It’s been exactly four weeks now. At times it feels like an eternity, other times the opposite. I’ve done a lot of reading, writing, (no arithmetic!), and praying. These weeks have brought Jeremiah and I even closer, and we’re learning to enjoy every day we get with Brody. I feel him moving practically all the time! I have to believe he loves music like his mommy and daddy. When I listen to music and practice Zumba routines he dances right along with me. After I teach a class he keeps dancing, “mom, don’t stop yet!” This past Sunday I was almost too distracted as we led music because he was moving so much through the entire song set! He didn’t stop during the sermon either.
There are other times though when I weep uncontrollably. I see a commercial for children’s Tylenol or Carters… I see Jeremiah coaching his soccer team and think of how we would’ve loved to teach Brody soccer and coach his team… I think about making funeral plans – talk about post-partum.
We have received such love and encouragement from so many – even people we don’t know. We have seen the body of Christ in action in so many ways, and are so thankful for Brody and how he is already making an impact on so many in his few short days.
Our hope remains in Christ, that one day we will be reunited with Him. Our hope for others is that somehow through it all, they will see the immeasurable value and need of a personal relationship with God.
Brody Micah Whitsel (our little BMW!) we love you so much and your daddy and I couldn’t be prouder of you. The tears, the sadness, the pain… it’s all nothing compared to the gift of carrying you and sharing you with the world!
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