Thursday, December 25, 2014

Plans change... or do they?

Plans change. Or at least ours do.

If you're like me, you like to make a plan, and see it fulfilled.
I don't have to make the plan, but I like to know what it is. 
Sometimes plans are made, and then they change. Most of the time - it's not a big deal. You just go with it. Sometimes though, it seems as though there is just no way that this change of plan can work out.

We asked God for a child and he gave us one. When we became pregnant with Brody it was very apparent that God planned to make us a family.  When that plan changed drastically, I was confused... but God this was your perfect, beautiful plan! Why would you change it?! What I had to remember though was that for Him it was not a change. That was His plan. Some say, oh you were so strong... but really, we didn't have a choice. It was His plan.

I bet Mary didn't see Jesus in her plan. I wonder what all went through her head when she first heard the news. Do I have a choice? What about Joseph... will I lose my fiancé for this? Will my friends and family forsake me? Wasn't your plan for us something different? But this was God's plan.

We can see God's plans as difficult, unexpected, and confusing at times... but we have to remember who He is. He created us, He laid out the very foundations of the earth. He knew us before He knit us together in our Mother's womb. He was, He is, and He will be the one true sovereign God. He sees the whole picture!
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." I Corinthians 13:12

While at first this plan for a savior to be born to her, a young unmarried virgin, must have been scary, overwhelming, and maybe even disappointing... It proved to be the most perfect plan of all. Was not the author of this plan also the author of mine? Did not the same God who breathed life into mankind, who sent His son to die for OUR sins, also give life, though brief, to our Brody? Does he not know the ultimate purpose for Brody's story as He knew the purpose of Mary's?

Our plans may change, but His do not.
Oh God, help me this Christmas to TRUST in your sovereign plans. To not only know in my head but also in my heart that your plans for our lives are indeed perfect.

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